Friday, August 29, 2008

Quick update.

I guess not that much has happened in the last month. I have been wandering around my town everyday meeting new people and finding different houses hidden in the woods. I got stung in the foot by a scorpion one night when I was sleeping. I went to San José with the other RCDers for a week of training in a nice hotel. We learned a lot of relevent information and had a lot of fun too. My host dad cut the inside of his hand where the fingers connect to the palm with a machete, severing the tendons connecting all but his pointer finger. He is in the hospital now in San José to see if they can reconnect them. I was there when it was pretty gross too say the least. I am going to have a meeting next week about starting english classes for the community. A lot of people say they want english clases but we will see how many are actually willing to walk through the rain and mud to sit in a classroom for 3 hours twice a week. I will keep you updated. Enjoy the pictures.
Pura Vida

1 comment:

Dan and Jillian said...


I'm a PCV in Macedonia and I'm the editor of our volunteer magazine, Pauza. Each month we try to feature a story from a PCV in another country. After reading your blog, I think you could write a very interesting piece about your experiences in Costa Rica. If you are interested, I can give you more info. Email me at

Dan, PCV, Macedonia